Stoke Poges Men's Group

Time set aside for men to encourage and be encouraged.

A big welcome from the Stoke Poges Men’s Group.  If you have not been to one of our events, then please read on to find out what you are missing!  During the year we run curry nights, dinners, Saturday morning breakfasts, activity evenings (skittles etc.) and visits to interesting venues.  There is something for everyone!  We are not an exclusive group but very inclusive and guys from a wide area (not just from Stoke Poges) come along to our events.  We are open to everyone – guys of all faiths and none are always given a very warm welcome.

At some of our events we invite a special guest who will give a talk on a specific topic, and during their talk they will usually share something of their Christian faith and how it has guided and influenced them during their lives.

Our group is affiliated to a UK organisation called Christian Vision for Men who run an annual conference for men and support men’s groups throughout the UK.

Farnborough Air Sciences Museum – Thursday 26th September 2024

Our next event is a visit to the Farnborough Air Sciences Museum located at Farnborough Airport and housed in one of the aviation buildings of the former world famous Royal Aircraft Establishment (RAE).  The museum is the birthplace of British aviation and includes ten aircraft, two helicopters, satellites, simulators and other unique material related to Farnborough’s RAE. Its web site is   Our visit will begin at 10:15am with coffee/tea and biscuits (included in the price) followed by a guided tour of the museum.  Following this we will have time to view the exhibits again and maybe an opportunity to experience one of the flight simulators.  We will assemble in St Andrew’s car park and plan to leave Stoke Poges around 9:00am.  Transport to the museum is available and we should arrive there between 10am and 10:15am.  Following our morning refreshments there will be an introductory talk by our guide in the historic Trenchard room.  Our private tour will last around two hours which will leave about an hour to view the exhibits again.  We will then take a 10-minute drive to a Toby Carvery restaurant for lunch (this is optional and not included in the ticket price).  After our lunch, we will make our return journey back to Stoke Poges (we should arrive there no later than 5pm).  Located near the Farnborough Museum is the Aldershot Military Museum, so if you have arranged your own transport to the museum, you may wish to visit that in the afternoon.  
Men’s Dinner - Friday 24th November 2024

The following event is our annual Men’s Dinner which will be held at the South Buckinghamshire Golf Club (in Park Road, Stoke Poges).  The bar in the Oak Room will open at 7.15pm and our meal will begin at 8pm (its buffet style, catering for a wide range of tastes).  Our speaker is Richard Borgonon, a guy who has had an illustrious career in the City of London.  In his younger years, Richard had to travel (unwillingly) around the country visiting various cathedrals because his father was the chief cantor for the Gregorian Society.  In his teenage years, he started attending a very lively church where his school friends went.  He joined the church’s rock band and for five years he toured the UK with the band.  When he left school, he followed his father into the Lloyd’s insurance market and worked there for 44 years.  During that time, he held various market leadership positions, became chairman of a Lloyds Broking firm and travelled the world with his job.  Today, he runs his own consultancy company, holds international leadership positions and is chairman of the Christian publishers 10ofthose Ltd.  In 2006 he began developing resources that would help people discover for themselves what the Bible actually says.  He co-authored a set of 11 booklets called The Word One to One which provide an introduction to the Christian faith.  These booklets are now used in over 50 countries and in 2021, he launched a new and improved version to make them relevant and accessible to as many people as possible.  Richard lives in Surrey, is married and loves motorsport.  Please join us for this Men’s Dinner where Richard will share with us his experiences as an executive in Lloyds of London and give us an introduction to his “The Word One to One” booklets.  These booklets will be available to purchase at the end of the evening, which should finish at approximately 10:30pm.
Tony Shortman:   01844-350014   or email: shortmantm[at]

Nigel Lowe:   07973-349721   or email: nigelatsuchlowe[at]

Facebook:   If you’d like to join us on Facebook here is the link to our group.

Our November 2022 dinner:

Men's Dinner 18Nov2022