Taking shape...
It's a community project with a mission heart. The plan is to have a "growing" area and a "social" area so that it provides activities for all age groups and can be used for outdoor worship and social events, like having an extra "room" on the church. Anyone in the village is welcome to take part in the doing and the enjoying!
We now have raised beds, potato bags, tomatoes and a grassy area. Next is the patio!
Here are a few photos from our first Big Clear in April 2021
June: construction of raised beds and compost bins
Lots of planting done and the patio dug out ready for base and paving (July)
Our first Family Activity session 11th July
The garden is an "extra room" on the church - perfect for outdoor summer services

If you'd like to help, please contact the Church Office via office@stokepogeschurch.org or 01753 642331 during office hours to let us know when you are available.
And keep an eye on our Facebook and Instagram pages to find out what bits and bobs are needed for each stage of the project - your recycling is our gardening material!
Whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully (2 Cor 9:6b)
Heather McDowell, 09/04/2021