Stoke Poges Men's Group

Time set aside for men to encourage and be encouraged.

A big welcome from the Stoke Poges Men’s Group.  If you have not been to one of our events, then please read on to find out what you are missing!  During the year we run curry nights, dinners, Saturday morning breakfasts, activity evenings (skittles etc.) and visits to interesting venues.  There is something for everyone!  We are not an exclusive group but very inclusive and guys from a wide area (not just from Stoke Poges) come along to our events.  We are open to everyone – guys of all faiths and none are always given a very warm welcome.

At some of our events we invite a special guest who will give a talk on a specific topic, and during their talk they will usually share something of their Christian faith and how it has guided and influenced them during their lives.

Our group is affiliated to a UK organisation called Christian Vision for Men who run an annual conference for men and support men’s groups throughout the UK.

Men’s Breakfast - Saturday 17th May 2025

Our next event is a Men’s Breakfast in the Oak Room at the South Buckinghamshire Golf Club (in Park Road, Stoke Poges).  If you would like to start your weekend with a hearty cooked breakfast, then why not join us for some good food, good company and to hear a really interesting talk.  Coffee & tea will be available from 8:15am and our food served from 8:30am.  Our speaker is Major General (Retired) Tim Cross CBE, who commanded at every level in the British army, from leading a small bomb disposal team in Northern Ireland in the 1970's to commanding a division of 30,000 in 2004/07.  During his career he had numerous operational tours which included the Gulf (Iraq and Kuwait) and the Balkans (Bosnia, Macedonia and Kosovo).  His duties required extensive involvement with the government, media and international humanitarian agencies.  After he retired, he was the army adviser to the House of Commons Defence Committee for 7 years and a facilitator at the Leadership Trust.  He is also a local lay minister in the Church of England and works with a number of Christian organisations and charities.  An itinerant preacher and international speaker, he is an adviser to UK and international companies and a visiting professor at Nottingham University.  Following his talk, Tim will take questions and we plan to finish by 10:15am.
Brands Hatch - Saturday 12th July 2025

Our following event is a visit to one of the most famous and iconic motor racing circuits in the UK, Brands Hatch, where we will be watching some of the best historic racing cars from the past in both qualifying and actual races, all organised by the Historic Sports Car Club.  If you are interested in motorsports, this is an event not to be missed.  Our visit will be on Saturday 12th July, the first day of a busy weekend of motor racing.  The full schedule of races taking place on the Saturday will be announced nearer the date of our visit.  Our host for this event is Alvin Davies, the Motorsports Coordinator for Christian Vision for Men (CVM).  Alvin has linked up with a racing team who travel the UK visiting various race tracks with their classic Formula Ford car (in brilliant red and completely rebuilt last year).  We will be providing transport to and from Brands Hatch, departing from Stoke Poges on Saturday morning and returning in the evening.  During our visit, we will be joining the racing team inside the paddock, therefore as this is a restricted area not open to the public, we have had to place a limit on the number of guys we can take. If you might be interested in joining us for this visit, please let Nigel or Tony know as soon as possible.

Tony Shortman:   01844-350014   or email: shortmantm[at]

Nigel Lowe:   07973-349721   or email: nigelatsuchlowe[at]

Facebook:   If you’d like to join us on Facebook here is the link to our group.

Our November 2024 dinner:

Mens Group dinner 22Nov24 (9)