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Lent & Easter for Everyone 


Lent begins on Ash Wednesday 5th March. This year, why not give yourself the gift of time out from worldly activities (perhaps a break from social media or TV?) and spend time with the version of yourself that God wants you to be, not a saint overnight but learning day by day, making mistakes, forgiving and being forgiven.
You could join us for…

Watch Pray
Watch & Pray on Facebook

12 noon every Wednesday
15-20 mins of reflection on the week’s Bible passage and some simple prayers, a great way to join in with our Lent Study themes each week. You can catch up any time

Bible Study Groups (Facebook PTom Wright Lent and Easter for
Join a Bible study group for Lent

For 6 weeks starting 4th March we’ll be following the book “Lent and Easter for Everyone” by Tom Wright. In a group of 6-10, we read a short chapter from the book, based on the week’s Bible passage and use the book’s questions in our reflection time. You are welcome to join us, whether you know your Bible well, or have never opened one. There is a Tuesday morning group and a Thursday evening group. Please contact the church office to get in touch with a group if you are interested. 

Ash Wednesday 2025
Ash Wednesday 5th March

7.30pm Ashing & Holy Communion Service in St Andrew's Chapel
This quiet, contemplative service marks the beginning of Lent with prayer, Holy Communion and spoken worship together. If you wish, you can receive the sign of the cross on your forehead or hand in ash, made from palm crosses.

Mothering Sunday
Mothering Sunday 30th March
10.30am Family Service at St Giles'

Our traditional service withhymns, prayers and a  talk, celebrates our “mother” church and we thank God for people in our lives who have nurtured us, especially our mums. We’ll be making baskets of posies at the church at 10am on the Saturday morning and extra pairs of hands are always welcome.

Baby Steps Easter 25
Baby Steps Easter Play Time 
10am Tuesday 8th April at St Andrew's
Baby Steps is our group for 0-3's and their parents and carers. Come and make an Easter garden in an egg box :) We'll have our Bible story and songs too! There is a suggested contribution of £3.

Maundy Thursday
Maundy Thursday 17th April
7.30pm Agape Meal with Holy Communion at St Andrew's

We will share a simple meal of fellowship (agape) to commemorate the night when Jesus ate his last supper, was betrayed and arrested. Our service includes prayers, time for reflection and Holy Communion. It is helpful to know if you are coming so we can cater for everyone. Please contact the church office or leave a message on 01753 642331

Good Friday 2025
Good Friday 18th April
10.00am Flagpole Service and procession of the cross to St Andrew’s for 10.30am Service

To mark the day when Jesus was crucified, we stand and say a few words and sing a hymn on the village green before carrying a large wooden cross down the road to the church. As it is important to remember those who have died for us in battle, it is important to remember Christ’s sacrifice so that we might live a better (and eternal) life.
Please stay for fellowship after the service, with tea, coffee and hot cross buns.
Easter Sunday 2025
Easter Sunday 20th April

To celebrate the most important day in the Christian calendar, choose between our 8.00am Service at St Giles', which will follow the traditional Book of Common Prayer or our 10.30am Family Communion Service at St Giles' followed by an Easter Egg Hunt and refreshments in our ancient churchyard.

Junior church pencils
Junior Church

There will be themed junior church and teenagers sessions on Sundays during the season and family friendly activities in the take-home noticesheet each week. If you are interested in these sessions, please contact the church office so we can send details as they are arranged.

Everyday Faith App
Everyday Faith App

You can download the Church of England app from the Appstore or Playstore and receive daily scripture and reflections to support you in your daily life and help you to love God and love people all year round.

How to find us
900 year old St Giles’ Church stands on Church Lane SL2 4NZ and is open daily (approx 10am-3pm) for a time of quiet reflection, prayer or remembrance.
St Andrew’s Church is the home of Baby Steps, Friday Coffee Group, Knit and Natter, the Lighthouse Café, and Friday Club. Find us on Rogers Lane SL2 4LN.
Directions to both churches, details of all our groups and our regular church services can be found elsewhere on the website or on the noticeboards at each church building.   01753 642331
Vicar: Revd Natasha Brady               Curate: Revd Sydney Quartey

A5 Lent & easter 2025